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You've carried the weight of wilderness for so long. You've wandered along a well-worn path of heavy hollowness. Your map is marked with the familiar monuments of empty secrets, but you don't have to be the memory keeper anymore. Let me hold them for you.  Follow me home.  You are safe to unearth your story. Speak your silence. I’ll be your answer, reassuring you to continue letting go. Even if your voice wavers and cracks, keep speaking. Shout it across the canyons of guilt and shame. I’ll be your echo. You’ll see the freedom in storytelling and the healing in storylistening. Tell yourself your own story and really listen. You will hear My Truth clearer and louder than you expected.  The Truth in your story may be overwhelming. It might break your heart in ways you don't understand. The relief of rescue will bring a freedom that might look like grief. It's ok to sit with it, but open your heart to the hope of relentless joy. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy

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